Saturday, March 27, 2010

Life's difficult moment

financial problems, mother-in-law conflict, no promotion scope in jobs- if you think that these are some of life's difficult moments, you should hear my story then. Yesterday-friday. It was one week b4 gd friday. A friday that turned to be a bad friday for me. I was about to return home after work. While packing my stuff in my bag, I looked out of the window. The sky looked normal. Once I signed out at the general office, I came out and made my way to the exit.

Rain started to pour heavily from nowhere. I was taken aback. a little shocked! I took out my umbrella from my bag with much struggle and walked towards the bus stop. I thought I could make it to the bus stop. But just couldn't. Every time I took a step forward, strong winds pushed me back. My umbrella was swinging out of control. I had to exert extra force to hold it tightly. And the rain taught me a lesson. Never ever wear to be in a skirt out on the streets when it rains. With umbrella going out of control, my skirt 'danced' to the tunes of the strong winds. With one hand on the umbrella, the other hand made its way to keep my skirt from the 'unwanted dance'.

I realised that the bag's zip was torn. The reports and other important documents were in the bag and the heavy downpour had ruined some of them. Oh my god! I just didn't know what to do.

dancing skirt, flying umbrella, reports being ruined by the rain- life's difficult moment indeed!

Thank god, the security guard in the nearby apartments saw my plight and took pity on me. He suggested that I should take shelter first and wait for the rain to stop. I was really touched by his act. It was realllyyyyyy sweet of him! Thanks uncle.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Emotions on a Roller Coaster

I live for the weekends and 'die' on the rest of the days. hate work to the core. It's really exhausting. Brain cells are dead and are being sent to the mortuary. Every sunday night, I get into a sort of depression mode thinking of the next day's work. Emotions are on a roller coaster ride. Some parts of the day, I feel fine for no reason. The next minute, I become really really upset for no reason. Friends keep saying that I should learn to pat my heart and say 'aal izz well'

But it is bloody damn difficult to be calm and be composed. It is so tough to bring the heart to a relaxed mood. Whenever I want to whisper 'aal izz well', my mind and heart wander off to hell. All I could feel is pain. If someone were to ask me the reason for my devastation, I have no answer to that question. Loss of appetite, lack of social life, gloomy days, sleepless nights...oh well speaking about sleepless nights. I work from 630 am to 6pm everyday. I return home to rest from 7pm to 11pm. Get up again to finish any pending work till 5am after which I get ready for my work again.

My journey seems to be travelling in only one path- home to workplace. Oh what the...!! *sighs* It has been days since I logged on to facebook. It has been days since I last spoke to my friends or smsed them. It has been ages I met up with them. Going through a period of 'I-don't-want-to-see- the-world.' I think I've said this earlier somewhere in my blog- A costly mistake made in my life that had brought me to this state today. I should have fought then even if that had broken many hearts. I should have done it for my well-being, for my sake, for my life! I should have been firm in my decision. I should have not gotten into a course that I didn't want to do in my life.

so many 'should's.... Now fate is shooting me!:(

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Jay Sean!!!!!!!!!!!

I just want to announce to the world that I'm totally in love with jay sean and his songs. She's fire and down have been on repeat mode in my music player. I've listened to them more than a million times. Well, wishing to hear more of them, I was looking for the bhangra remix versions of these songs and I found this! enjoy folks!

Jay Sean is hot, hot, hotttttt! *winks winks*

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Luck By Chance

It was 6.00 pm and a huge crowd that consisted of men mostly, started to gather around in Richtre area. The area was well-known for entertaining the men in all forms. Food outlets were serving beer to old retired men whose only intention in life was not to live life to the fullest but to finish their beer mugs to the fullest. Bristling with life, the area started to attract a bigger crowd as the sun disappeared below the horizon. The bar was filled with a mad horde of hockey fans eager to see their teams in action during the match.

My boss let us on the streets. Many men came to us daily. I wasn't bothered about it. All I had to do was to be there physically. I seemed to ponder about the fasincation that these men had on us. It was a mere pleasure for them. According to them, it is a pleasure that costs nothing but money.

The sky above was full of tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. The dark clouds grew ominous and the wind was howling. We used to see the same people. Occassionally, a few new ones arrived. Today a man in his forties arrived in his old bike. For no particular reason, he caught my attention. He parked his vehicle near a lamp post. I was observing every action of his. He cleared his throat and spat out his saliva into the drains! EEeww, how disgusting it was!!

He took out a packet of cigarettes and lit one, polluting the air with smoke. He had a chat with another guy who looked much younger than him. The younger chap was pointing to us as they were talking. For once, I knew it was about us! As I was observing these 2 fellows, 'business' was going on normally. A few of my friends were 'taken' away.

The sky was most threatening. In no time, it was raining cats and dogs. The 40-year-old man was soaked to the skin as he found shelter near a stall. Within a few mintues, he was approaching me. Wiping his wet shirt with an old dirty handkerchief, he gave an amount to my boss and took me away as well. I had no other choice but to follow him.

Little did he know that the jackpot money was for lottery ticket- 0987
and not me- 0988!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Love your kids and learn to say 'i love you'

How many of us have actually uttered this phrase to our kids: "i love you". We rarely do. We are emotional beings- we laugh, cry, shout in anger and express our emotions and feelings in various ways. But when it comes to love and affection, are we really expressive? Do we show our love explicitly?

'love' is a taboo word in many asian families till today. When I say love, I mean the love between parents and kids. Most of the times, we associate the word 'love' to something bad and vulgar. However, it is the most powerful and strong word that makes a big difference. Now, it narrows down to how we show our love to kids. Yes, we do provide food, shelter, clothing, money and freedom to our kids. Parents want them to understand the hardship that they go through for the kids. In fact, children understand every bit of it. What kids want is, a little bit more than that. Parents saying it verbally to them, "i love you son/girl".

It may sound simple yet some parents feel awkard saying it. Well actually, it also deals with the issue of letting go of your ego. yes! Parents should not just understand kids' feelings but also 'feel' their feelings. Let's say a child is studying for exams. We know the child' potential and capability. There is no necessity to pressurize the kid by adding fuel to fire. All that the child wants to know from parents is the assurance that they will be supporting him/her no matter what happens. Support/encouragement/motivation can all be done in saying these three magical words -"i love you". Love your kids for who they are and not what they are going to be. After all, they are your kids, your blood, your angels!

Have you danced with your children in the rain?
Have you ever gone wild dancing/singing on ur child's 18th birthday party?
Have you gone for a long drive with your kid?
Have you ever said to your teenage child about how the girl/guy at the bus-stop is all looking cute?

no??? Sorry, you've missed alot in life! nothing is late! start it right now:)

Be a friend to your kid! Hug them! Give them a goodnight kiss and don't forget to say 'i love u':)